We are still under restictions and state of alert, as agreed by the Government until Mid May 2020, or even further after that. And even after having finished the state of alert, private and public live will not go on as before. Some restrictions will still be in force in order to protect the citizens and all communities of owners will be affected by them. Although we still do not know what the future brings, we think we have to be prepared that in the next months we will have to do without several things we dearly love to do and live our lives with much care and common sense. In this context we have to express our thanks to our customers. The vast majority has cooperated and helped us considerably to do our daily work.
We want to inform you that our office is closed to the public according the “decreto de alarma” which is in force since Saturday night 0.00 a.m. As we are not ill we go on working. But we only attend to our customers by telephone or mobile lines, whatsapp, email or our website.
Extracts from Real Decreto 463/2020, decreto de alarma 14. Marzo 2020
(free translation)
- The state of alert is for all Spanish territory.
- The state of alert is for 15 days and is in force since the 14. March 2020, 0.00 a.m.
Information on the new coronavirus (COVID-19)
What is the new coronavirus?
are a large family of viruses that usually affect only animals. Some
have the ability to be transmitted from animals to people.
new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is a new type of coronavirus that can
affect people and was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan City,
Hubei Province, China. There are still many unknowns about the
disease it causes: COVID-19.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
V Curso Técnico para Administradores de Fincas
Judith Maga and Rafael Sánchez have attended this training course. Some of the important topics were:
- Mandatory regulatory inspections in Communities of Owners.
- Pathology of structural dampness in buildings. Condensation, capillarity and lateral filtrations.
- Delimitation and limitation of coverage in the Multi-risk of communities.
Advanced training courses are an important basis to offer customers a well-founded and especially legally up-to-date service!