XXXI Curso de Perfeccionamiento en el ‘Ejercicio de la Profesión. Francisco Liñán’

Judith Maga has attended this training course. Some of the topics were:

  • Voting: Simple majority, qualified majorities and unanimity.
  • The criminal liability of the Property Administrator in the exercise of his profession.
  • Photovoltaic installation. Recharging points. Tariff and savings formula in comunities.

Advanced training courses are an important basis to offer customers a well-founded and especially legally up-to-date service!


Judith Maga has attended this training course. Some of the topics were:

  • The challenge of evolving in the midst of the digital revolution
  • How to make a homeowners’ community more accessible
  • Smart city: the transition to smart communities
  • How to hold legally compliant online meetings
  • Towards the sustainable homeowners’ association: the road ahead
  • The need for reform of the LPH. An LPH for the 21st century

Advanced training courses are an important basis to offer customers a well-founded and especially legally up-to-date service!


Masks must be worn in all enclosed and open-air communal areas.

Examples of areas in which the use of masks is required in communities of owners:

  • Lifts and stairwells
  • Storage areas and meeting rooms
  • Garages and doorways
  • Gardens and passage areas

Measures included in Royal Decree Law 30/2021, of 23 December.

XXX Curso de Perfeccionamiento en el ‘Ejercicio de la Profesión. Francisco Liñán’

Judith Maga has attended this training course. Some of the topics were:

  • Practical analysis and problems with the minutes of owners’ meetings.
  • Prohibition of access to the use of common elements by owners in arrears.
  • Change of habits after the pandemic, a challenge and an opportunity for the Property Manager.

Advanced training courses are an important basis to offer customers a well-founded and especially legally up-to-date service!