Administraciones MAGA SANCHEZ
Administration Office
Avd. Toré Toré, 9, Local 7d, Torre del Mar
Tel.: 95 254 0226 · E-Mail: admon(at)
or Contact Form
This website of the J. Maga Administrations provides you with information about our activities and services. It also has an exclusive user area for our clients with information and notices about their communities. By accessing this website you accept the terms of use set out in the Legal Notice.

Our Team

Judith Maga
Administradora de Fincas
Nº col. 2197
For more than 20 years Judith Maga has been active in the field of condominium management. At first she worked as a translator for Felix Hormigos, but soon she also took on administrative tasks. Between 2002 and 2005, she completed her training as a condominium manager at the University of Málaga and has been registered in the Professional Chamber since 2007. Since 2013 she has been working as an independent administrator in her own office.
Rafael Sanchez Vallejo
Administrador de Fincas
In 2013 Rafael Sanchez started working in Judith Maga’s office and from 2015 to 2018 he studied Condominium Management at the University of Málaga. Since 2019 he is an independent administrator in the joint office.