Suspension of the obligation to convene general meetings until 31 December 2021

The Government has approved a Royal Decree-Law that takes into account the proposals made by the registered Property Administrators.


  • The obligation to convene meetings of homeowners’ communities is suspended and charges and budgets are extended until 31 December.
  • The meetings of homeowners’ associations that need to be convened can be held telematically and agreements can even be reached without a meeting by means of written consultations.


No Owners’ Meetings with more than 6 attendants

At least it is now clear how property owners’ meetings should be classified in relation to the Covid rules. On 15 March, the Andalusian Regional Government responded to a letter from the Association of Professional Chambers of Property Administrators for Andalusia, stating unequivocally that “the presence of groups of people in public spaces (both enclosed and open air), as well as in private spaces, is conditional on not exceeding the maximum number of six people”. Until now, the professional associations were of the opinion that owners’ meetings are included in the regulations for the holding of professional events, but in this respect it was clearly written that ” owners’ meetings cannot be included in the aforementioned article, whose high attendance rate would generate a very high rate of face-to-face contacts between non-cohabitants”.

For this reason, the Professional Chamber of Property Administrators for Malaga and Melilla recommends that property administrators do not hold any property owners’ meetings that exceed this limit.


Level 4 grade 2!

Perimeter closure of the municipality

Curfew: 22:00 -> 06:00

Meetings: Limit 4 persons

Commerce: Closed except essential

Restoration: Home delivery services only.

Preventive measures COVID 19 – Junta de Andalucía:
To find out what level your municipal area has you can look at:

New Anticovid Measures

Closing of the community’s perimeter
Mobility is allowed between the eight provinces

Curfew: 22:00 -> 06:00

Meetings: Limit 6 Persons

Shopping: Close at 20:00

Gastronomy: Closing at 18:00

Cafés: Close at 20:00 without dispensing alcohol

Important Note

According to the indications of the Government regards the different parts of reducing the restrictions we hope to come back to a new ordinary life. Since Monday the 18. May 2020 our office is open again respecting all protection measures given below:
