XXXI Curso de Perfeccionamiento en el ‘Ejercicio de la Profesión. Francisco Liñán’

Judith Maga has attended this training course. Some of the topics were:

  • Voting: Simple majority, qualified majorities and unanimity.
  • The criminal liability of the Property Administrator in the exercise of his profession.
  • Photovoltaic installation. Recharging points. Tariff and savings formula in comunities.

Advanced training courses are an important basis to offer customers a well-founded and especially legally up-to-date service!


Judith Maga has attended this training course. Some of the topics were:

  • The challenge of evolving in the midst of the digital revolution
  • How to make a homeowners’ community more accessible
  • Smart city: the transition to smart communities
  • How to hold legally compliant online meetings
  • Towards the sustainable homeowners’ association: the road ahead
  • The need for reform of the LPH. An LPH for the 21st century

Advanced training courses are an important basis to offer customers a well-founded and especially legally up-to-date service!


The Spanish Real Decreto 286/2022 of 19 April eliminates the obligation to wear a mask in general, leaving a large part of the criteria to be followed to individual responsibility.

With this new regulation, everyone can go to any space for any type of activity without being obliged to wear a mask, with the only exceptions contained in the Decree (socio-sanitary spaces, public transport, etc.). This same criterion is applicable to the different spaces in each building, given that the common areas of homeowners’ associations are not one of the exceptions. Therefore, the use of face masks in the common areas of buildings is no longer compulsory.

However, care should always be taken to act as prudently as possible, bearing in mind that the Covid-19 pandemic continues. Therefore, the Consejo General de Colegios Administradores de Fincas recommends that it is advisable to continue wearing a mask in cases of continuous contact in which it is not possible to maintain the safety distance (1.5 m). It is also advisable for people who, due to illness or any other cause, are particularly vulnerable, to continue wearing the mask.


Masks must be worn in all enclosed and open-air communal areas.

Examples of areas in which the use of masks is required in communities of owners:

  • Lifts and stairwells
  • Storage areas and meeting rooms
  • Garages and doorways
  • Gardens and passage areas

Measures included in Royal Decree Law 30/2021, of 23 December.