XXIX Curso de Perfeccionamiento en el ‘Ejercicio de la Profesión. Francisco Liñán’

Judith Maga and Rafael Sánchez have attended this training course. Some of the important topics were:

  • Annoying activities: squatters and tourist homes.
  • The Property Manager in the face of the GAFA challenge (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple).
  • Teleworking in the office of the Condominium Administration.
  • Defense and argument of the pricing.

Advanced training courses are an important basis to offer customers a well-founded and especially legally up-to-date service!

Owners’ meetings and COVID19

The Association of Professional Chambers of Property Administrators for Andalusia has recommended that all property owners’ meetings should be suspended. They should only be convened for absolutely important matters that cannot be postponed. And then only under the following safety precautions:

  • Up to a maximum of 75% occupancy of the room used for this purpose.
  • Minimum distance of 1.5 metres between those present.
  • Mandatory use of a face mask.
  • Limitation of the duration to the minimum possible time.


Why are so many community pools closed?

Many community pools are closed this summer because of the COVID pandemic, in some areas almost all of them are closed. There is a simple explanation for this, namely the restrictions and dangers arising from this dangerous situation.


Information on the new coronavirus (COVID-19)

What is the new coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that usually affect only animals. Some have the ability to be transmitted from animals to people.
The new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is a new type of coronavirus that can affect people and was first detected in December 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. There are still many unknowns about the disease it causes: COVID-19.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?


V Curso Técnico para Administradores de Fincas

Judith Maga and Rafael Sánchez have attended this training course. Some of the important topics were:

  • Mandatory regulatory inspections in Communities of Owners.
  • Pathology of structural dampness in buildings. Condensation, capillarity and lateral filtrations.
  • Delimitation and limitation of coverage in the Multi-risk of communities.

Advanced training courses are an important basis to offer customers a well-founded and especially legally up-to-date service!